Bernardo Pacheco, like Juan Jose Torres (see our café that bears his name) is a teacher and coffee producer from the indigenous Xinka community and member of the “Cafe Colis Resistencia”.
With the income he earns as a teacher, Bernardo has been able to invest in equipment to pulp, dry and ferment his coffee himself. These investments allow it to improve the quality of its coffees, in addition to selling in microlots on the international market at competitive prices in contrast to the sale to local intermediaries who buy their coffees at prices that barely cover the salary. workers.
The indigenous Xinka community and the Cafe Colis Resistencia
The Xinka are an indigenous group in the Mataquescuintla region whose existence is not recognized by the government of Guatemala.
In 2008, the opening of the "Escobal silver mine" was approved without permission from the Xinka, contrary to the United Nations Convention on the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The mine threatens the cleanliness of the land, water and air in their territory.
As early as 2003, the Xinka community formed the Cafe Colis Resistencia, a peaceful resistance, which first seeks recognition of their rights and now has the main objective of blocking access to the mines. In 2013, Bernardo was part of the peaceful resistance camp as police, hidden inside the mines, arrested members of the group in addition to confiscating their vehicles. However, since 2017, thanks to resistance, the mine has been closed.
The development of the Escobal mine is supported by the Canadian company Pan American Silver, which claims on its website to build and operate mines responsibly.
Buying Bernardo Pacheco's coffee is also a gesture to support Cafe Colis Resistencia, which works to recognize the rights of the Xinkan community.
Le Klassic Klo
Klassic Klo is a blend of our Brazil Honey and this exceptional coffee produced by Bernardo Pacheco. It is enveloping with notes of grapes, oatmeal pancake and dark chocolate. It is excellent in French press, latte and espresso!
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